Race and genetic predisposition affect penile length. Exercises to enlarge the penis give it extra mass due to the intense blood supply to the organ. However, it will not be possible to achieve quick results. Only persistent and regular training will help to achieve the desired result.
How can exercise help your penis grow?
A system of male enhancement exercises helps to actively develop cells and increase their volume in an upright position. Thanks to mechanical stretching, the load on the pelvic area, muscles and skin of the penis increases. Some techniques allow you to stabilize the psycho-emotional background of a man, as well as achieve:
- increase in length and thickness of the phallus.
- elimination of premature ejaculation and congestion.
- alignment of curves (if any).
- improving the quantitative and qualitative parameters of sperm.
- normalization of blood flow and activity of the reproductive system.
- to have a glowing orgasm.
- prevention of diseases affecting the genitourinary system;
- the elimination of psychological problems associated with an inferiority complex.
You must regularly train your penis, following the rules of the chosen technique.

Benefits of manual stimulation
About 30% of the penile tissues are the corpora cavernosa. With physical manipulation they begin to increase. With age, the percentage of smooth muscle tissue decreases, which leads to loss of tone and weakening of erections. Capsules and tablets that improve blood flow to the penis work temporarily, having a negative effect on the body (if the composition is synthetic). Exercise helps keep the reproductive organ in excellent shape, maintaining sexual health for many years.
Before doing exercises for penis enlargement, you should prepare the penis in advance to avoid serious complications. This can be done by heating, which will dilate the blood vessels and make the tissue as elastic as possible. There are several heating options:
- Soak a towel in warm water and spread it over the penis.
- Pour grain, sand or salt into a bag, heat and spread it on the genitals.
- Take a hot shower.
- Warm up with steam: pour boiling water into a container and hang the penis halfway up, covering the jar with a sheet or towel. To avoid getting burned here, you need to be as careful as possible.
Having chosen the most suitable method of preparation, they begin to heat up, which helps to achieve a quick result. The most popular exercises are:
- Rubbing. The member is wrapped between the palms without pressure or friction, so that there is no unpleasant sensation or discomfort.
- Concussion. They move their genitals in different directions.
- Clapping. The genital is hit on the thighs, which helps relieve tension.
Training will be beneficial if you do not forget the preparatory activities. It is necessary to correctly complete the exercises for the development of the penis: do a light massage followed by a warm-up. However, the temperature should not be high so that the germ cells do not die and, well, lose the ability to move. The final stage will improve blood circulation in the vessels.

Top 18 exercises for penis enlargement
There are many techniques that allow men to change the parameters of their intimate organ to a greater extent. This can be simple stretching, Taoist techniques, Kegel exercises, use of special devices, massage. When performing exercises to lengthen the penis, it is necessary to clearly control the physical sensations. It is important that the stretching of the genital muscles is done without an erection.
Kegel exercise
This technique will not significantly affect the length and thickness of the penis, but will help improve the quality of intimate life. The technique is based on stretching the pubococcygeus muscle. It regulates the process of urination and is responsible for the severity of the orgasm. This muscle can be felt if you stop urinating. Every time you go to the toilet, you have to hold the stream of urine several times.
Julia's exercise
Quite a dangerous tactic of changing the parameters of the phallus. The penis is 60-70% erect. Further:
- Wrap your fingers around the instrument and press firmly.
- stay in this position for 30 seconds.
- gradually move towards the middle of the penis, without loosening their grip, and stop again.
- the hand moves slowly towards the head, not reaching 2-3 cm, and then stops again.
Also read: How to do jelqing correctly: types, technique and contraindications
An approach takes about a minute. You can do up to 5 repetitions daily 5 times a week. After a month of regular training, the penis grows by 2-3 cm.
Taoist exercises
Ancient practices for penis lengthening are similar to manual twisting, pulling and squeezing techniques. However, they should be performed in conjunction with breathing exercises, gently pressing the muscles in the perineum with three fingers of the left hand.
- Warm-up: press the hollow at the base of the skull with your middle fingers. Massage in a circular motion up to 50 times, trying to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. The tongue should touch the palate.
- Main part: pull the pelvic muscles in and hold the tension for 15 seconds, inhaling deeply. Then exhale slowly and relax.
- Repeat the exercise 21 times a day.
The movements are performed in a standing position, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms down along your body.
Achieve a stable erection and rotate the pelvis in different directions for 2-5 minutes. This is a very useful exercise that can be performed daily.
Exercise system developed by Aaron Kemmer
The complex not only helps the penis grow in centimeters and diameter, but also strengthens the health of blood vessels, pumps the pelvic muscles and normalizes the function of the genitourinary system:
- Compression. The phallus is compressed and released alternately slowly and quickly, which improves blood supply and increases the parameters of the organ.
- Stretching. The penis gradually stretches, increasing the load daily. The tissues of the organ are elastic, so they stretch easily.
The systematic application of this complex allows you to increase your penis up to 5 cm.
It helps increase blood flow and straighten curvature. The penis is grasped with both hands. One is held firmly at the base and the other forcefully bends the phallus in different directions.

Arabic technique or jelqing
These exercises for stretching the penis are considered the most effective. The complex increases blood flow to the tissues. It will take many months of training to achieve noticeable results. There are two methods of jelqing:
- Dry.
- Wet.
It is recommended to start with the wet method. For real penis lengthening, the erection should be controlled: the penis should be in a semi-erect position. This is an important condition: if there is no erection, then there will be no effect, and if it is strong, you can get bruises and injuries.
No lubricant is used. The penis is squeezed with the palm of your hand, not your fingers. The friction should be light to avoid tearing the delicate fibers. This method is used only after the man has become comfortable with wet exercises. Classes are held regularly, with no long breaks allowed. In the first stage, 200 stretches are performed, dividing the session into morning and evening. In this case, you do not need to push the phallus too much, nor do you need to exceed the maximum number of pulls. From the second week, do 300 repetitions, maintaining the same level of compression intensity. In the third week, sets last 20 minutes. The penis is pressed with great pressure and the man himself determines the speed of the movements.
They practice this method using lubricants or special gels. Under the influence of their active ingredients, blood flow to the penis will increase. After applying the product you should:
- Wrap your fingers around the penis at the base and squeeze firmly.
- begin to stretch towards the head.
- move the ring finger up without loosening your grip.
- Movements should be rhythmic, not abrupt.
- if your hand is tired, you can change it, but without stopping.
To prevent arousal, you should not touch the head.
It helps in increasing the thickness of the reproductive organ by delaying the blood flow to it. This technique was considered extreme, since any non-compliance with the rules is fraught with serious health problems, including the development of impotence. For conducting, a special cable clamp is required, which is called CC. The device has a snap mechanism and is considered safe as it can be easily removed at any time. Secure the structure with an elastic bandage and string:
- the penis is wrapped in a bandage without touching the head.
- the clamp is placed on the base and clicks into place.
- A strong erection should not be allowed so as not to injure the blood vessels.
- Training takes place 4 times a week.
- start with 1 minute and only after 1-2 months switch to 15 minute approaches.
- an approach should not last more than 15 minutes, as this is extremely dangerous even for experienced practitioners.
According to numerous reviews from men, the increase in penis circumference reaches 1. 5-2 cm after six months of regular exercise.
The force pulls
This penile exercise is performed while sitting. Before training, the reproductive organ is warmed up and lubricated with gel. Hold the head, stretch it as far as possible in front of you and hold it for 3-5 seconds. In this case, pain and discomfort should not be felt. Then, without weakening the grip, they direct the phallus to the right, pause and turn to the left. With this exercise, the corpora cavernosa are gradually stretched, which contributes to the visual lengthening of the intimate organ. The manipulations are done at home when the man is relaxed.
You should do 5-10 stretches in each direction. Optional: without changing the tension force, move the penis in a circle ("helicopter"). 20 cycles are done in one approach. Just 2-3 approaches per day.
You can also use an extension to pull. It is a device similar to the Ilizarov device. The penis is placed between two parallel mounts, the head of the penis is secured using a loop or vacuum fitting. The tension is adjusted by reducing or increasing the length of the shafts. Depending on the degree of comfort, the adhesion process takes from 1. 5 to 4 hours per day. Some men wear it all day, and not just at home. Be sure to read the instructions before use.
The exercise may seem unusual, but it is extremely effective. It takes place with a weak erection. The member is pulled to the buttocks and sits on it. The internal pressure in the corpora cavernosa increases, which allows the organ to increase in size, both in length and thickness.
When performing this complex, the penis should be relaxed and soft. The technique is extremely difficult, so it will take some time to master it:
- Use a ring of fingers to grab the head and pull it away from you for 3-5 seconds.
- At the same time, the base of the penis is compressed with the thumb and pressed towards the head.
- when pain occurs due to a tight grip, the head is compressed, which promotes the outflow of blood from it.
Stretching with weights
The exercise is not effective or safe, but it is considered popular among men. A floating load pulls on the skin tissue, not the perineal muscles, and there is a high chance of ruptured blood vessels. A slight increase in size occurs due to a decrease in the thickness of the reproductive organ. You can avoid injury if you study the technique thoroughly:
- the foreskin is carefully pulled back and the shaft of the penis is wrapped with an elastic bandage.
- a cord with a load is attached (using a hook) to the bandage and must be on the floor.
- Take the load in your hand and slowly straighten.
- release the weight very carefully, controlling the senses.
- start with one minute, gradually extending the session to 10 minutes.
After performing the exercise to increase the length of the penis, you should have a relaxing massage. When choosing this technique, you should consider some points:
- the load must not initially weigh more than 200 g. Then the weight increases to 3 kg.
- Do not hang a weight on an erect penis.
- if the skin begins to darken, immediately stop the manipulation.
- you don't need to move while running.
Improved blood circulation
If your blood circulation is weak, you will not be able to increase your manhood. To improve blood flow, you need to perform the following exercises:
- achieve maximum erection.
- Grasp the base of the penis with one hand and the head with the other.
- Perform circular motions like when you crunch.
- perform the procedure for 5 minutes every other day.
If pain occurs, stop training.
Wearing a cock ring
Such devices are worn when the penis is at rest. It is recommended to purchase models equipped with an adjustable clasp. When using erection rings, the penile tissues are gradually stretched without the use of extreme loads. The Blacko ring has gained particular popularity among men. Its effectiveness in solving the problem of small parameters of the reproductive organ has been clinically proven.

The technique aims to grow the penis in diameter. Its essence lies in the systemic pressure of the spongy bodies of the urethra. Before the manipulation, the penis is brought to a weak erection. The thumb is placed at the base, the rest is pressed into the recess located in the scrotum, where the connections of the corpora cavernosa are located. Using a half grip with pressure, they move towards the head and by turning back they relax. Repeat 10-15 times. Great! The next day after such a procedure, the penis may swell. In this case, classes are interrupted for 1-2 days.
Also read: Top 7 methods to enlarge your penis with baking soda
Massage that stimulates blood flow
Any massage activates the skin and increases blood flow to the penis. To get a well-pumped penis, you need to exercise every day for 3 months. The massage is carried out as follows:
- bring the penis to a full erection.
- apply a lubricant;
- slide your hand from the base to the head without touching it.
Erections should be controlled to prevent ejaculation. Within 3 months of such sessions, the penis will noticeably lengthen.
What to do after training to increase efficiency?
It is very easy to learn how to lift your penis and do it at home. It is important not to lose your form in the future. To do this, it is recommended to use special products, for example, an extension. It works to stretch the tissues. Thanks to long-term exposure, the restoration of cells is enhanced and the volume of the organ increases. At the same time, the functionality of the tissues does not change. Growth is happening in all directions. To additionally load the muscles of the penis and make them grow, you should hang small weights on the erect phallus and also follow certain rules:
- Excercise. Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the activity of all organs and systems.
- Give up bad habits.
- Eat right, eliminating harmful foods from your diet.
- Take vitamins and nutritional supplements that promote normal penile growth.
- Monitor the state of the genitourinary system, avoiding hypothermia and overheating.
Exercise frequency for maximum results
Pumping your penis is a labor intensive task that requires time and regularity. To achieve the desired length and thickness, you need to use different techniques, alternate them, training several times a day. At the same time, a man will see the first results only after a month.
Possible side effects
If a man does not do penis enlargement exercises properly, he may face the following problems:
- dark penile skin.
- protrusion of veins and blood vessels.
- the appearance of slight redness as a result of rupture of capillaries (often occurs due to insufficient heating of the instrument before the start of training);
- the presence of black spots on the skin due to a lack of lubricants;
- edema, swelling of the foreskin associated with stagnation of lymphatic fluid.
- decrease in tone and size of the penis.
All unpleasant symptoms disappear after a break of 2-3 days. Special care should be taken when wearing rings, as due to excessive compression, blood vessels are damaged and necrosis develops. You also need to protect the dorsal nerve that runs in front of the head. Therefore, you can not strongly press this part.
A man who is constantly engaged in penis enlargement training will definitely achieve the desired result. The reproductive organ will become a few centimeters larger. When choosing a suitable technique, you should take into account the opinion of a urologist, who will help you choose a suitable and safe set of exercises.