Baking soda for penis enlargement: external and internal application, massage, baths, compress

Unfortunately, most people believe that sodium bicarbonate is only used in cooking and for heartburn. However, a large number of studies have already begun that show that sodium bicarbonate can be used successfully not only for cooking or as an alternative to household chemicals.

Baking soda also helps to enlarge the penis and is used to treat many diseases.

Treating diseases of the male reproductive system with sodium bicarbonate, as well as enlarging the penis with soda, help men to forget about power problems and lose any fears regarding sex life.

  1. Before you know how to enlarge your penis with baking soda, you need to get rid of inflammatory conditions. Sodium bicarbonate has drying, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Overall, all this leads to the suppression of any inflammation and the development of the disease.
  2. One of the principles of penis enlargement with baking soda is empowerment. At home, you can restore a normal erection, get rid of possible inflammation in the prostate area. Enlargement of the penis with baking soda leads to an increased blood supply to the defined area, which is the reason for the development of stronger and longer erections. By using this medicine at home, you can achieve amazing results and please your sex partner.
  3. soda powder for penis enlargement
  4. Soda not only affects the size of the penis, but also helps prevent the growth of tumors: both benign and malignant. Sodium bicarbonate solution, which is alkaline, helps to stop cancer cells from dividing. Also during the research it was noted that the usual sodium bicarbonate stops the formation of metastases and therefore prevents the proliferation of malignant tumors in the body. Therefore, enlarging the penis with baking soda can also help prevent the growth of tumors.
  5. One way to enlarge your penis with baking soda is to apply it internally. It helps to get rid of stagnation. Congestion of the pelvic organs develops with a sedentary lifestyle, often traveling by car. Along with eating disorders, this leads to the formation of power disorders, weakening of the erection. Penis enlargement with baking soda is also accompanied by the restoration of erection and sensitivity during sex.
  6. The use of sodium bicarbonate can also boost the immune system. This helps prevent diseases of the organs of the male reproductive system.
soda can for penis enlargement

On the internet, you can find many controversies about whether soda can enlarge the penis. Its use helps not only to change the size of the penis, but also to restore strength. And the large number of ways to use soda to enlarge the penis, as well as its availability, make it an almost indispensable tool.

When you try the way

Penis enlargement with baking soda is a simple and economical way to lengthen the penis at home without surgery.

Among the main indications for using a soda solution for penis enlargement are:

  1. A man's dissatisfaction with the size of his genitals.
  2. The desire to lengthen the penis without resorting to medical help.
  3. Lack of firm, steady erection.
  4. Short contact.

With the help of soda, you can really achieve some penis enlargement, improve strength, erectile function and make sex more.

But enlarging the penis with baking soda is not entirely safe. This method of penis enlargement has a number of contraindications, limitations that must be considered before starting treatment. The use of soda for penis enlargement is categorically contraindicated if a man has the following health problems:

  • Diabetes.
  • Increased gastric acidity, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Increased tendency for allergic reactions, individual intolerance.
  • Hepatic pathology.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Prostate adenoma.

These restrictions apply to the use of the product in the form of solutions for internal use. The use of soda solutions for penis enlargement is contraindicated in case of ulcers, wounds, burns of the skin and mucous membranes in the area of application, allergic reactions, dermatological, fungal, infectious diseases, skin rashes, localized rashes in the area.

soda solution for penis enlargement

Today, there are many ways to enlarge the penis: surgery, taking nutritional supplements, using special creams, vacuum pumps, as well as weight factors that can harm men's health. In addition, massage is recommended to enlarge the penis and traditional medicine is not left out.

One of the most popular penis enlargement methods that has been used for a long time is the use of baking soda. This method can be easily combined with other methods such as massage. Another advantage of using baking soda is its relative safety, unlike many dubious creams.

Application for sexual dysfunction

Now let's talk about baking soda for penis enlargement. It can be used as a bath or for making ointments.

To prepare a soda bath, you need to dilute 100 grams of powder in a liter of water. The container should be deep enough to fit the penis.

Fine details of a soda bath:

  1. A procedure should not exceed 15 minutes.
  2. Water can not be taken as hot or cold, the best choice is water temperature equal to body temperature.
  3. The baths are done daily for 3 months.
  4. After the end of the procedure I rinse the penis with clean water.

Some sources recommend bathing twice a day for 15 minutes for a month.

The result will be visible if the baths are arranged after certain exercises.

Great! It is unacceptable to use soda if even the slightest damage, micro-scratches are inherent in the genitals. In this case, it can cause severe irritation and a burning sensation.

You can prepare an ointment for penis enlargement at home in the following way:

soda ointment for penis enlargement
  1. Baking soda should be mixed with enough water to form a porridge texture.
  2. The water is added slowly, while the future ointment is constantly stirred.
  3. If the ointment is used alone, it should be gently rubbed into the penis for 10 minutes.
  4. The ointment can be rubbed before exercise, then this process will not take more than a minute.

To see successful results, the rubbing process is performed several times a day for a month.

Another simple ointment is prepared as follows:

  1. Add a tablespoon of honey to 25 grams of baking soda.
  2. The ingredients are mixed well until homogeneous.
  3. The ointment is rubbed on the penis along its entire length.

In general, honey does not affect the increase in size, but it will increase libido and sexual intercourse will become longer. The ointment can be used more than once a day.

Be careful, honey is the strongest allergen, so do an allergy test before using it.

After procedures with baking soda, it is recommended to make relaxing baths for the penis with the addition of various herbs. It can be Peruvian maca, ginseng, ginkgo biloba. Such herbs not only have a calming effect, but also promote growth.

Another fun way to use baking soda to enlarge your penis is with a compress:

  1. Prepare the same solution as for the bath.
  2. A gauze cloth is immersed in the resulting hot composition.
  3. Apply tissue to the penis.
  4. Hold it for no more than 20 minutes.

When the member is in an aroused state, the procedure cannot be performed. Well, if you really want it, then you do not need to touch the head area, it is very sensitive and even soda water can hurt it.

After compression, the penis should be thoroughly washed with soap.

Apply a moisturizer as baking soda dries your skin. The cream can be replaced with a special tool (cream, gel, spray) to enlarge the penis.

Also, the magnification technique can be the following:

  1. The penis is completely lubricated with vegetable oil.
  2. A little soda is applied on top.
  3. Gently massage with smooth movements, say, rub the resulting mass.

You can also take baking soda by mouth. A teaspoon of the powder is diluted in a glass of water and drunk after a meal. Some men use milk instead of water.

It is difficult to say that this method is effective for penis enlargement, but the reviews and photographic references of some craftsmen make you believe it. In addition, this drink will strengthen the immune system. To avoid stomach problems, you can take a soft drink for no more than 14 days.

As you have already seen, it is very possible to enlarge the penis by folk methods with ordinary soda. But the results will be much more convincing if this technique is combined with exercises, herbal baths and sprays (gels, creams). And do not forget - a good result requires time and perseverance and the regular execution of certain procedures.

Baking soda will help enlarge the penis and help restore erectile function in men. Often, even in spite of the greatness of male dignity, it is difficult for a man to satisfy a woman - the erection is weakened, the duration of sexual intercourse is reduced, the senses during sex are dulled.

Sodium bicarbonate does not stimulate the onset of arousal, but its use contributes to the rapid and, above all, free recovery of potency. The duration of intercourse, as well as the strength of the erection, play an equally important role.

Therefore, knowing how to enlarge your penis with baking soda, you can get rid of the insecurity caused by failure in the genital area yourself at home.

Penis enlargement with soda occurs due to the neutralization of the negative effect of exogenous and endogenous factors. Sodium bicarbonate also stimulates increased blood flow to the pelvic organs, which leads to increased potency.

  • Consumption of soda tea can help treat diseases of the male reproductive system. Sodium bicarbonate normalizes the production of secretion, which allows men to restore hormone levels and normalize natural formation processes.
  • Tea soda inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Used to stimulate regenerative processes at home. Its use helps to improve health and helps in the course of recovery processes.
  • The alkaline medium of the tea soda solution is harmful to all pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, the normal microflora normalizes rapidly and multiplies in an alkaline environment.
  • Important point! It should be noted that the use of sodium bicarbonate for the treatment of pathologies of the reproductive system is possible only by men. Women have an acidic environment in the vagina and therefore it is forbidden to use sodium bicarbonate.
  • To better understand how soda affects penis enlargement, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the effects of free radicals and heavy metals on the body. Sodium bicarbonate promotes the elimination of these compounds from the body and therefore helps to restore male health and change the size of the penis.

It should be noted that, even knowing how to enlarge the penis with soda at home, you must remember that the basis will be exactly the systematic approach. Irregular procedures will not give a guaranteed stable result. With the systematic application of all the recommendations, the use of sodium bicarbonate will help cleanse the body of toxins and free radicals.

Soda applications

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a white powder. It has a large number of useful properties, which are used in cooking, cleaning, as well as in the treatment of many diseases. Soda is used to treat gum disease in women, but there are other uses for this product for men.

Before you learn how to enlarge your penis with baking soda, you need to decide if you really need it. Scientists have long shown that a woman does not need a large genital organ for sexual satisfaction - technology is important here. But if a man dares to take such drastic measures, it is better to start with the simplest, most affordable and relatively natural method, such as the use of baking soda.

Application methods

The method of application of sodium bicarbonate will depend not only on the quality index, but also on the duration of the manifestation of the results. Penis enlargement with soda is a complex activity that can be performed both with the use of topical treatments and with a complex effect.

All methods of penis enlargement using soda have a multidirectional effect. This leads to the fact that at home you can get rid of most diseases and at the same time increase your penis with soda free. The combination of methods helps to get rid of indecision and problems in the sexual sphere.


One way to enlarge your penis with baking soda is to take baking soda by mouth. This application helps cleanse the body and prevents the formation of tumors. An important point with this type of use is the activation of all exchange processes. That is, by taking sodium bicarbonate, you can achieve weight normalization and restore the normal course of all metabolic processes.

Important point! This method increases sperm activity - they become more durable and viable. Therefore, it is worth using this method and enlarging the penis with baking soda for those men who are still planning to have children.

If a man is protected from intermittent sexual intercourse and does not count on fertilization, he should use additional methods of contraception.

This method allows you to enlarge the penis with soda at home and is more applicable as a preventive measure, as in advanced diseases it will not be able to fully provide the desired result.

To prepare the solution, you will need 0. 5 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and a glass of warm milk. Dilute the soda in the milk and drink this solution. The duration of use of this tool is up to one month. It is recommended to use this recipe once a day, every day.


The intestine is an important organ of the body. Maintains the level of immunity and, in addition, normalizes the blood supply to the prostate. Therefore, one of the ways to increase the penis with soda is the use of condom microclips.

They heal the intestines, cleanse them and stimulate the increased blood supply to the pelvic organs. Overall, this leads to increased blood flow to the genital area, stronger erections and an enlarged penis due to more blood flow.

To prepare such microclysters, it is necessary to dilute 1 tbsp. large. sodium bicarbonate with one liter of hot boiled water. Apply micro-envelopes once a day for at least a month.

Alkaline baths

One of the most popular methods of treating diseases of the reproductive system is the use of alkaline baths. This method will not only show you how to enlarge the penis with soda, but will also help prevent prostatitis, inflammation in the genital area. These baths help cleanse the body of toxins, get rid of slag and improve metabolism.

soda bath for penis enlargement

Important point! Soda baths are perfect for those who struggle with excess weight. They help increase the blood supply to the skin, thus increasing the rate of metabolic processes. This leads to faster breakdown of body fat.

It is better to plan the use of baths at night, before going to bed. Sodium bicarbonate affects the activity of the nervous system, providing a relaxing effect. This makes sleeping easier and faster. The water temperature should match the body temperature to avoid skin burns.

To prepare the solution, you must dilute 500 g of baking soda in 3 liters of water. This solution should be diluted in the bath to a comfortable temperature. The duration of such a bath is up to 30 minutes. You need to finish the bathroom with a contrast shower. The use of this method allows, in addition to penis enlargement, to improve health.

Another secret to enlarging the penis with tea soda is the use of concentrated baths. Their use has no contraindications and side effects. The only caveat is damage to the integrity of the skin of the penis - this can cause a burning sensation.

But sodium bicarbonate has strong regenerative properties and can therefore be used to accelerate the healing of skin lesions.

This recipe is often found in videos and photos on how to enlarge your penis with soda. It is easy to prepare and use. The solution will require 1 teaspoon of baking soda and a glass of water. Mix the ingredients and mix until smooth. In such a solution, you need to lower the penis for 10-15 minutes.

The recipe gives a quick result that appears within the first hour after use.


Baking soda is considered one of the most powerful treatments for penis enlargement using baking soda. It stimulates increased blood circulation in the application area, which leads to a rapid change in the size of the man. This method can be applied independently at home without fear of negative consequences.

Many men have noticed that they develop dry skin after compresses. To avoid this, after the compress, you should apply a nourishing cream on the surface of the penis and make sure that the soda does not dry the skin of the penis.

compress with baking soda for penis enlargement

This recipe for augmentation requires minimal ingredients. To prepare the compress, you will need a few drops of water to bring the sodium bicarbonate to the texture of a paste.

Compression exposure time is up to 15 minutes. If you look at the penis after rinsing the composition, you can see redness and feel a slight rush of warmth in the penis area - this is caused by increased blood circulation. The increase in size is noticeable within a few minutes after rinsing.


There are also videos on the Internet where soda for penis enlargement is used as an ingredient in massage. In addition, honey can be included in the massage mixture. This technique allows you to stimulate blood flow more actively, as several methods are used simultaneously to increase the size of the manhood.

It can be seen that honey helps in milking more intense results. This is due to the large amount of anti-inflammatory ingredients in the composition. The recipe for penis enlargement with soda using honey is very simple: you have to mix honey and sodium bicarbonate until they are homogenous and massage the penis with this mixture.

photo before and after penis enlargement with soda

The effect of how you can enlarge your penis with baking soda is shown in the photo before and after. Helps visualize the use of baking soda to enlarge the penis in action. At home, you can help the growth process yourself by starting to use baking soda in adolescence.

How to properly use baking soda to enlarge the penis

With the help of soda, which almost everyone has at home, you can take baths for the penis. They will help tighten the penis. To take a bath, you need a teaspoon of baking soda for a glass of hot water. It is necessary to take a bath for at least 15 minutes. This procedure is recommended to be done one hour before sexual intercourse.

You can also use baking soda as a scrub. To do this, you must first moisten the penis and then rub the soda along the entire length with gentle movements. As a result of these manipulations, blood begins to flow actively to the genitals. But you have to keep in mind the downside of this method. Baking soda can irritate and burn your penis.

It must be applied very carefully. Although sodium bicarbonate particles are very small, they can injure the very thin and sensitive skin of the penis, causing pain. Rubbing with baking soda strengthens the erection and, although slightly, but really enlarges the penis. To consolidate the effect, the use of soda with milk is recommended, this will enhance overall health.

Not so popular, but also an effective method of using baking soda for penis enlargement is the use of compresses. The soda is spread on a clean cloth (it can be a bandage folded in several layers), soaked a little and applied to the instrument. You can leave this compress for 15-20 minutes, but no longer.

Do not let the soda fall on the head of the penis, so as not to injure it!

Remember that the use of baking soda can cause allergies. After the procedure, it is imperative to rinse the penis with warm, soap-free water.

What effect does baking soda have on penis development?

As practice shows, soda can not function as an independent means of enlarging the male genitalia. It is more of an auxiliary element.

Report. The main property of baking soda is to penetrate the tissues of the body without obstacles while diluting the blood.

Just such a feature helps in enlarging the penis due to the free circulation of blood. This is especially true when you are performing various exercises that are full of injury and blood clots.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Each penis enlargement technique has its own contraindications and soda is no exception. The process must be abandoned:

  • For men suffering from diabetes, here it will definitely not be useful. The reason for this is the direct effect on blood cells.
  • The presence of malignant tumors. Soda has a diluting effect on the blood and such an environment is conducive to the proliferation and spread of cancer cells throughout the body.
  • Sensitive skin. When a man's skin is not only sensitive but also dry, soda will cause irritation and inflammation.

Before using baking soda, try on the skin of your hand, if there is no discomfort or irritation 30 minutes after application, the product can be used on the genitals.

There are also contraindications to taking soda inside. For example, an increased acidity of the stomach, when soda is added to it, can form a peptic ulcer. If soda is contraindicated for you, you can try other home remedies to enlarge your penis. For example, using herbs.